Calendar13 May – Hamied, Heather, Karen, Sarah and Nancy
This is the May page from ScienceGrrl’s 2013 calendar. It stars: Hamied Haroon, PhD, is a postdoctoral research associate at University of Manchester. He uses magnetic resonance imaging to work out how the healthy human brain is “wired together”. He is hoping to make history by organising the UK’s first national conference of disabled university…
Read MoreCalender13 April – Suzi
This is the April page from ScienceGrrl’s 2013 calendar. It stars: Suzi Gage, MSc, is an epidemiologist currently working towards her PhD at the University of Bristol. She looks at patterns in populations in order to answer questions about health. In her research she examines data to investigate whether there is a link between recreational…
Read MoreCalendar13 March – Adam, Dallas, Kevin and Mark
This is the March page of ScienceGrrl’s 2013 calendar. It stars: Adam Rutherford is a science writer and broadcaster. He has a PhD in genetics and an impressive collection of Star Wars Lego. He holds a photograph of X-ray crystallographer Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958). She carried out her most famous work at King’s College, London: by…
Read MoreCalendar13 – Helen and Eleanor toasting the New Year
This is the January 2014 page from ScienceGrrl’s 2013 calendar – toasting the New Year! It stars: Helen Czerski, PhD, studies the bubbles made in breaking waves to understand how they affect our weather and climate. These bubbles are one of the tiny links in the hugely complex system that is our planet, in which…
Read MoreCalender13 December – Helen, Jen, Helen and Sheila
This is the December page from ScienceGrrl’s 2013 calendar. It stars: Helen Arney is a geek songstress and science comedian who likes making scientific ideas accessible to new audiences, investigating the social and moral implications of modern research… or, she writes songs that rhyme with “Uranus”. She loves combining music with brain-jigglingly big, important ideas…
Read MoreCalendar13 November – Tilly and Alison
This is the November page from ScienceGrrl’s 2013 calendar. It stars: Tilly Blyth, PhD, is the Keeper of Technologies and Engineering at the Science Museum – in brief, she manages the galleries, exhibitions and research activity in this area. She has a fascinating collection at her fingertips, from Stephenson’s rocket, to the Apollo space capsule,…
Read MoreCalendar13 October – Lindsay and Tamsin
This is the October page from ScienceGrrl’s 2013 calendar. It stars: Lindsay Lee, PhD, is a statistician at the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds. She researches the effect of uncertainty in computer models on the predictions that the School makes. This allows research to focus in the right places, making better models…
Read MoreCalendar13 July – Angela, Sarah, James and Jay
This is the July page from the 2013 ScienceGrrl calendar. It stars: Angela Kaye, MSc, is researching the laboratory efficacy testing of repellents and insecticides for consumer use at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Her research will ensure that products on the market are effective and will protect people from infectious insect…
Read MoreCalendar13 February – Alison, Ellie and Michelle
This is the February page from ScienceGrrl’s 2013 calendar. It stars: Alison Auld, MEng, is a PhD student at Durham University. She is researching ways of generating energy from the unused heat generated in industrial processes. She doesn’t think we should “waste waste!” This is especially important in a world where fuel sources are…
Read MoreCalendar13 January – Ceri and Lia
This is the January page from ScienceGrrl’s 2013 Calendar. It stars: Ceri Brenner, PhD, works as a research scientist at the Central Laser Facility at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire, and is also a technical laser specialist for the Science and Technology Facilities Council Harwell Imaging Partnership. Her PhD was in laser-plasma physics, which she…
Read MoreAnd a word from our sponsors
This week, after a three-and-a-half-months of hard graft, our calendar went to print. We have Cosima Dinkel to thank for the design, photographers Ben Gilbert, Greg Funnell and Naomi Goggin for the pictures and Louise Crane our Producer (and her team of researchers, writers and production assistants) for everything else.
Read MoreBlast from the past
The best thing about ScienceGrrl is that it is often a total blast, great fun with amazing people. Monday 1st of October was one such day. I legged it out of the office at 11:35am, got stuck in studenty traffic and only just made it onto the 12:15am to London Euston. I flicked between phone…
Read MoreA girl in a boys’ world?
When I was sixteen, I sat on a wooden stool in my chemistry class. The whole class sat around one huge laboratory bench and most of the faces that stared back at me were boys. It was the same in maths and physics. I was girl in a boys’ world. Where were the girls? At…
Read MoreHey, Miss Producer!
Hello everyone. I thought it was about time to introduce myself. I’m Louise and I’m the producer for the ScienceGrrl Calendar 2013. What does this mean, exactly? Well, to use my favourite literary device, the analogy, and my favourite animal, the swan: I’m the webbed feet of a magnificent, beautiful bird, paddling furiously to keep…
Read MoreWhat’s up, Doc?
One of our Twitter followers asked how those not connected to us via the joys of social networking can keep up-to-date with what ScienceGrrl are doing. I directed them to this blog… and then had an “ahhhhhhhhh” moment when I realised I hadn’t actually updated it very recently. So here is the Director’s update. Beware…
Read More#MFScience survey – the results are in
The 24 hour flash poll* was simply this – find a non-scientist and ask them to name famous scientists: one male, one female. Then we sat back as the answers came in. And they did! Thick and fast, mostly through Twitter but also via our Facebook page – and by generally bugging our own family…
Read MoreLaser Shoot
Monday the 13th was laser day, which made for a great start to the ScienceGrrl week! We all gathered outside UCL where we were met by Lia- our laser scientist. She escorted us up through the corridors to the security protected laser-lab. Jumpers on. It turns out laser labs are kept quite chilly because the…
Read MoreWhat a difference a day makes
After last night’s post, I thought it was time for a brief update on what so many of our Twitter followers may be wondering… so what happened yesterday? What did I miss? I decided back in July that I really needed to come down to London about once a month whilst we are working on…
Read MoreLeading the conversation
In her opening blog for ScienceGrrl, our producer Louise Crane described me as ‘leading the conversation’. On reflection, I think this is a fairly accurate description of my role as ScienceGrrl Director. I joined Twitter back in May, after reading an article about how more researchers needed to join to promote their work, network with…
Read MoreWelcome to ScienceGrrl 2013
Hello! This is the blog for ScienceGrrl 2013. We’ll use this to write updates about the project and the production of our calendar, as an addition to our website and Twitter feed. If you’ve come across this by chance, let me explain the project. ScienceGrrl 2013 is run by individuals who came together on Twitter to discuss…
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