OtotheB : app for girls in STEM and entrepreneurship, brought to you by Stemettes
Our sisters in STEM over at Stemettes have released a fab new app, OtotheB, designed to create a global online platform for girls interested in STEM and entrepreneurship. It is free to download from the Google Play and iTunes stores. It gives girls access to: “Motivation Mondays”: Access to exclusive interviews with inspiring women in STEM, and the chance to…
Read MoreKicking the Elephant Out of the Room
Our network of ScienceGrrl members runs to over 400 nationwide. Where possible, we link our members with local chapters, headed up by enthusiastic chapter leads. Chapters provide opportunities for informal networking, peer support, and grass-roots activism and public engagement, often in partnership with local initiatives. This post is the first in a short series by Sarah Hughes, our…
Read MorePleased to Meet You…. Franzi Sattler
Hello! Who are you, what’s your job title and what do you do all day? Hello! My name is Franzi, I just turned 28, and I was born and raised in Berlin, Germany. I’m currently a 2nd year Master student and this summer I will get my M.Sc. in Evolutionary Biology,…
Read MoreEleni Charalambous – a passion for science that keeps on growing
It’s British Science Week, and many of our members are busy sharing their love of science with the world, and particularly young people who are considering their strengths and abilities and beginning to decide of the type of career they may wish to pursue. It’s natural that those who are so enthusiastic about their scientific work will quietly –…
Read MoreScience, parenting, and resisting easy answers
Today, to mark International Women’s Day, I took part in an event organised by the University of Manchester’s Faculty of Life Sciences entitled “Becoming the Best”. I joined a panel discussion in which 5 women with STEM degrees talked about their career paths and what had helped them along the way, then took questions from the…
Read MoreAlison Diaper – on Brain Stimulation and True Inspiration
Alison Diaper is at the forefront of the NHS, quietly but confidently working behind the scene to improve our scientific knowledge. She is studying a range of drugs including hypnotics, anxiety inhibitors, antidepressants and drugs that inhibit pain. She is also working to improve deep brain stimulation (DBS) therapies and systems. In this interview with ScienceGrrl’s Jessica Simpson, Alison takes some…
Read MoreWhy I Hate Tim Peake (just a bit…)
I have a confession to make. I really hate Tim Peake. Well actually that’s not strictly true. I’m sure he’s a great guy, and would love to buy him a pint and have a natter when he gets back down to earth. What I mean is, I hate the tired old trope…
Read MoreUN International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2016
The United Nations designated 11th February the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. We joined with our colleagues all over the world via social media to celebrate, invited you to join in…and my word, you did! The hashtag associated with this initiative, #womeninSTEM, was trending as the second most popular topic on Twitter…
Read MoreMeet Nathalie Pettorelli, co-founder of Soapbox Science
Nathalie Pettorelli is a scientist moving mountains in the conservation community and is also a fantastic science communicator. She talks to ScienceGrrl’s Jessica Simpson about working with the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), her opportunities for creativity and Soapbox Science; a face-to-face initiative she co-founded to encourage interaction between scientists (many of whom are woman)…
Read MoreWhat is so exciting about physics?
This is a guest post by Sarah Morgan, a PhD student in the Theory of Condensed Matter Group at Cambridge University. Cavendish Inspiring Women (CiW) is a group run by physics PhD students at Cambridge University. We’ve just launched our new booklet for girls – ‘What is so exciting about physics ?’ Download it here…
Read MoreTime to sign up for the next “I’m a scientist” event
I’m Rebecca Dewey, I am a Research Fellow in Neuroimaging at the University of Nottingham, where I work in the Nottingham Hearing Biomedical Research Unit. I recently took part in a scheme known as ‘I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here!’ . I’m a Scientist is a free online event where school students get…
Read MoreFun for 2000 kids
Last weekend ScienceGrrl had a stall at the amazing Lancashire Science Festival. If you missed it – get the dates in your diary ready for next year! Here is a report of the event from ScienceGrrl Liz Britland. This is the third year in a row we’ve volunteered at the event and it gets bigger…
Read MoreCelebrating National Women in Engineering Day
Our lives rely on good engineering. In fact, it’s probably a mark of really good engineering that you don’t really notice it – things just work, and intuitively so. Regrettably, engineers also tend to fade into the background, their innovation, creativity and technical skills going largely unrecognised. Yesterday, we marked National Women in Engineering Day by sharing the stories of…
Read MoreTim Hunt – ScienceGrrl responds
For the last week, discussions around women in science in the UK have largely centred on remarks made on Monday 8th June by Sir Tim Hunt, at the World Conference of Science Journalism, as part of a speech he gave during a lunch sponsored by female Korean scientists and engineers: “Let me tell you my trouble with…
Read MoreTaking part in “I’m an Engineer Get Me Out of Here”
I am Naomi Green, a mechanical engineer and biomedical engineering researcher at the University of Birmingham. I’m passionate about sharing my experiences as an engineer with children and showing them what a fascinating and rewarding career engineering is. As a country we need more children to choose engineering as a career and we desperately need…
Read MoreTechnicians with talent!
Most initiatives and articles about female scientists in universities focus on women professors and lecturers, the academic members of staff traditionally responsible for providing a rich learning and research environment. But there is also another, almost “secret” community within higher education who also contribute to the research and teaching activities of our universities – our…
Read MoreCambridge Science Festival
This is a guest post by Brianne Kent, who is a Gates scholar at the University of Cambridge where she is researching the neurobiological basis of memory. Each year, the University of Cambridge hosts a two week science festival that welcomes 30,000 visitors and hosts over 250 events. The aim of the festival is to…
Read MorePlanning to bust some more gender myths
This is a guest post by Georgina Rippon, who is Professor of Cognitive Imaging and Pro-Vice Chancellor (International) at Aston University. Having trained up an army of neurotrash warriors at last year’s WOW festival, this year we have set ourselves the task of busting a few of the brain-based gender myths. Sometimes these are still…
Read MorePresenting… our ANNUAL REPORT 2014
We’re pleased to present ScienceGrrl’s Annual Report 2014 – celebrating our successes, reflecting on progress, and looking to the future. Thanks to Andy Dawes, Heather Williams, Liz Chilvers, Ellie Cosgrave, Anna Zecharia and all our chapter leads for helping us put this together. Click here to read the sciencegrrl_annual_report_2014-15 !
Read MoreFrom plants to puppies
I’m Aimée Llewellyn and I’ve been the canine genetics specialist and health information manager at the Kennel Club, in London, for the past 3 years. I started my research journey in plant metabolomics, but “changed species” to enjoy the best of both worlds – both research and applied science. My focus is to continue to…
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