Suzi Gage

Cooking up a twitter storm. Or: What not to do about the gender divide in science

By Suzi Gage / February 6, 2013

Today, an article appeared on the Guardian website, not in the science section (it was on the US news blog), but tweeted by @guardianscience and containing the word ‘science’ in the title. About girls and science, its headline claimed to explain ‘why the gender gap exists and what to do about it’. I’ve written about…

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By Suzi Gage / October 20, 2012

Barely three months after the idea was conceived, the calendar is a physical entity. And to launch it, a group of glammed up calendar stars, press types and various others convened on Thursday 18th October at the Smith Centre, part of the Science Museum. My day started when I met ScienceGrrl director Heather Williams and…

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