Dr Ellie Cosgrave
Create a step change – demand 50:50
For decades the numbers of women in science and engineering professions have remained depressingly stagnant, with percentages hovering limply in the single figures. Despite significant investment in media campaigns, outreach activities, and educational programmes aimed at women- many are still scratching their head as to why nothing is changing. Although the reasons for under-representation are…
Read MoreCalling engineering superheroes!
We are delighted to announce The Market Bosworth School (TMBS) has won a Royal Academy of Engineering Ingenious award to work once again with ScienceGrrl and the amazing education organisation now>press>play who create educational audio adventures for children. Eight shortlisted engineers from the ScienceGrrl network and 32 pupils from TMBS will collaborate with now>press>play to…
Read MoreNational Women in Engineering day
The first ever National Women in Engineering Day in the UK was on 23rd June. The day, devised and coordinated by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES), aimed to celebrate the achievements of women in engineering and support and inspire the next generation of women to achieve their goals. Why is there a need for a…
Read MoreI’m an engineer because I want to change the world
When I applied for my first engineering job, I lied. “Why did you want to become an Engineer?” asked the grey-haired-60-something man from across the boardroom table. I had prepared my answer, and launched into a generic spiel I’d heard repeated plenty of times before: “I’m fascinated by technology” I said … “was addicted to…
Read MoreScienceGrrl funds Mission Discovery students
When ScienceGrrl made our 2013 calendar, we did so with the aim of raising funds for something tangible that would encourage young people – particularly girls – to engage with Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. A couple of weeks ago, ScienceGrrl finally realised this ambition when we funded a team of six (4 girls, 2…
Read MoreSound Science – get involved!
ScienceGrrl is collaborating with education company now>press>play to create a series of science-themed educational adventures for children. We are teaming our scientists with their writers to create a unique and exciting experiences, and we need your help! If you would like to help create and deliver these experiences, please complete the form below by next…
Read MoreOur Strategy Day
The alarm went off at 8.00am which, although unusual for a Saturday, was not begrudged; it was the ScienceGrrl strategy consultation day. Today we would find out what people thought of us, what we should be doing and would start thinking seriously about our future. I knew we needed to ask people what they wanted…
Read MoreLaser Shoot
Monday the 13th was laser day, which made for a great start to the ScienceGrrl week! We all gathered outside UCL where we were met by Lia- our laser scientist. She escorted us up through the corridors to the security protected laser-lab. Jumpers on. It turns out laser labs are kept quite chilly because the…
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