Liverpool chapter
Hi everyone!
Welcome to the Liverpool Chapter of ScienceGrrl! We’re really looking forward to sharing everything we get up to and hope that you all enjoy our blog and might even want to get involved too!
This is the page where you can find out what is happening next in the Liverpool Chapter of ScienceGrrl and read our blog posts.
We like to meet up normally in a nice cafe on weekend afternoons and at local events where we can chat and catch up on the latest news and goings on.
If anyone would like to get in touch with us, either to find out more about what we’re up to, get involved or just to ask us a question, then use the comment box below, find me on Twitter (@zeddy_emma) or on Facebook .
Zoë Chapman
Liverpool chapter events
[eo_events event_category=”Liverpool” showpastevents=”false”]
Liverpool news/blog posts
[display-posts include_excerpt=”true” include_date=”true” tag=”Liverpool”]