Edinburgh chapter
Welcome to ScienceGrrl Edinburgh!
Since the Scottish Enlightenment, Edinburgh has enjoyed an international reputation as a centre of ideas in science and medicine and you can be part of our ScienceGrrl chapter along with other scientists from universities, research institutes and other STEM institutions in the city.
Established in summer 2013, our chapter members have been meeting regularly and have taken part in events such as Bang Goes the Borders science festival and a Women in Science MRC/Wikimedia edit-a-thon held at the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
This year, we’ll be back at Bang Goes the Borders and hope to be linking up with other Scottish chapters to extend our outreach events to a wider audience.
Why not come and be part of it and join our local network? We meet regularly, usually socially over food and drink, to share ideas and support each other. You can see what we’re up to via Facebook or contact us via the form below to join our email list.
Clare Taylor @CT_Microbiol
Edinburgh chapter events
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Edinburgh news/blog posts
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Contact details