A National Voice
ScienceGrrl has the opportunity to influence and inspire a wide variety of people. We believe our activities will be most productive if we foster collaborations and work in partnership with those who share our vision, particularly educators, policy makers and existing networks with similar aims and objectives.
We now have a database full of ScienceGrrl members who can help as:
- Work experience supervisors for school, college and undergraduate students.
Volunteers, speakers and session chairs for public events and festivals celebrating science.
Spokespeople for media interviews on science and issues affecting women in science.
As examples of how these members have contributed to partnerships with organisations, we have previously:
- Worked with Now>Press>Play to create interactive science audio adventures for use in primary schools.
- Provided speakers, volunteers and resources for events organised by schools, colleges and universities, or by our partner organisations FutureFirst, STEMNET, the Institute of Physics, and Inspiring the Future.
- Funded a team of 6 students (4 girls, 2 boys) students from Tower Hamlets to Mission Discovery 2013.
We are currently:
In conversation with several MPs across the party political spectrum about our work and the challenges faced by women in STEM. Our Directors Dr Anna Zecharia, Dr Ellie Cosgrave and Dr Heather Williams have all contributed to these conversations; Dr Anna Zecharia now leads on this for ScienceGrrl.
- Developing partnerships and collaborating on joint projects with a number of organisations with similar aims. For further details, please see Our Partners.
- Planning events to mark notable dates, such as International Women’s Day and Ada Lovelace Day, with events celebrating the achievements of female scientists.
Our motivation and objectives in all these partnerships are outlined in our ‘Through Both Eyes’ report, which was commissioned by Peter Luff MP and funded by industry to outline the challenges to gender equality in STEM and generating policy suggestions to address these, drawing on existing research and the experiences of our members. Please read, be inspired, and check back soon for what we get up to next.