ScienceGrrl is a broad-based, grassroots UK organisation celebrating and supporting women and non-binary people in science; a network of people who are passionate about passing on our love of science on to the next generation.
We have always been trans-inclusive, but in early 2023 we decided to explicitly expand our reach and more intentionally share our platform with trans women and non-binary people.
If you would like to get involved what we’re doing, please follow us on social media or get in touch here. Most of our members are women who are working scientists, but we also have plenty of non-scientists and people who identify otherwise on board - you don’t have to be a "science girl" to be a ScienceGrrl. Our events are usually open to everyone and anyone, unless we have designed them for a specific group or occasion.
We also welcome donations if you're able to help fund our website and events. We are funded entirely by gifts of money, time and other resources, and wouldn't be able to do what we do without the generosity of our supporters and volunteers.
How we began
ScienceGrrl began in 2012 in the Twitter storm surrounding the video used to launch the EU’s ‘Science: It’s Girl Thing’ campaign, which unfortunately didn’t actually feature any real science.
We set about countering this imagery by making the ScienceGrrl 2013 calendar, produced by Louise Crane, which showcased the work of a diverse mix of female scientists from a wide range of backgrounds, alongside their male colleagues. 1500 of these calendars featured in offices, schools, laboratories and kitchens all around the world. See more about the calendar here.
In the process of making the calendar, we gathered a network of people who shared our belief that science is for everyone, and wanted to work with us in addressing the under-representation of girls and women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). Co-Founders Dr Heather Williams, Dr Anna Zecharia and Dr Ellie Cosgrave oversaw ScienceGrrl's transition from calendar to campaign.
As part of this, we established national network of Local Leads to help ScienceGrrl connect with local initiatives and opportunities. Some local groups of ScienceGrrls also developed into chapters, informal and friendly local networks which provide peer support and a setting to develop social events that support members and outreach events which encourage girls and women from the local community to consider a future in science.
As well as establishing local connections, we’re also keen to provide a voice for women in science nationally and exploring ways of elevating the profile of women scientists in mainstream culture. Our 'Through Both Eyes' report, produced by Dr Anna Zecharia and Dr Ellie Cosgrave in 2014, reviewed and collated research into the factors affecting girls' choices regarding STEM, and included recommendations to address the factors that undermine free choice. As such, it defines our motivation and methods. We provided a copy to every MP in Parliament at the time.
We’re keen to collaborate with all who share our vision and values, and are working with a wide variety of organisations, policy makers, media representatives, teachers and schools, and constantly listening out for new ideas for promoting and celebrating women in science.
Internationally, we've already inspired a similar initiative in France, the WAX network, and have had interest from other nations in helping people setting up similar networks elsewhere. If you've found this site from outside the UK, we're very happy to share our experiences with you and are excited to see our model adapted for different nations and cultures.
What we do
ScienceGrrl is a not-for-profit organisation run by enthusiastic volunteers, the majority of whom are working in STEM-related careers. Find out about who makes things happen in ScienceGrrl here.
Our network of local chapters fragmented and dissolved during the peak of the Covid19 pandemic, when meeting in person was impossible for long periods of time. However, we do have contacts all over the UK so if you are looking for a recommendation for an event speaker, panellist or host who can bring a ScienceGrrl vibe to your event, please do contact us. We also still have active groups in Manchester and Glasgow, which explains why most of our events are in or around these cities.
We are continuing to strengthen our network online through this website, Twitter, facebook, Instagram and our occasional email newsletter. These channels also help us elevate and amplify the voices of women and non-binary people in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), encourage and share with organisations and individuals with similar aims, and promote associated events and initiatives. If you have a story to share, are releasing a show, film or book or planning an event you think our members would be interested in, please do get in touch.
We’re also happy to speak to the media about what we do in science and in ScienceGrrl, so if that's you - do get in touch through sending us a message or via Twitter. We can usually respond to media requests within a few hours and have members who are experienced in giving interviews for print media, as well radio and TV (both live and recorded).